This Consciousness that you are, says “yes” to everything. It denies nothing. All experiences are accepted and embraced, unconditionally. This is love. This love embraces all manifestation, and it is the love that is the origin and substance of all manifestation. And you are THAT.
What is it that evolves? A "person" does not evolve. Consciousness does not evolve. Consciousness is fully evolved and complete. It is the mind that evolves and concepts that evolve; until the mind is transformed and no concept is left standing. We are always “trading up” one set of concepts for another – until we meet the immovable Truth, and we see that we have been dancing around it all of our lives. It is Here, where all concept gives way to Reality. In that, we disappear and live in unknowing.
The Yogi is not striving to become a better "separate self", or better body-mind. You are good enough as you are. While the process of "healing" may play a role in the spiritual development, we are primarily concerned with the process of "transformation." The caterpillar is left behind, existing no more, when it transforms itself into the butterfly.
To awaken out of the dream of separation, there are three entry points: the illusion of time, the illusion of space and the illusion of personal consciousness. You need only investigate one of these in full. Once one these of is understood as false, the others fall like dominos. The illusion of space/distance cannot stand without the supporting illusion of time, and vice versa. The story of the separate self is seen as illusory once there is an understanding that no-one is moving through time and space. If you investigate any of these ideas in full, you will awaken out of the dream of separation and come to understand the reality of your Being.
Awakening does not belong to the body-mind, or happen to the so-called separate self or apparent person. What/who awakens? Consciousness awakens to itself as Consciousness.
Who/what becomes Realized? Realization happens for the dream character in the play of Consciousness. The dream character realizes their true nature. It does not make the dream character "Real." Only the "I" that I am, the I of Consciousness is Real.
The progression of identity to it's destination is seen as being neither consciousness nor lacking in consciousness. Identity of any sort, including “I am infinite and eternal” or “all is consciousness” is annihilated at the doorstep of The Absolute. Existence of any sort is illusory.
All things are imbued with divinity. Every object contains the entirety of The Absolute. All of manifestation carries the energetic imprint of it's formless omnipotence.
Compassion arises from the recognition that the vast, impersonal, awareness that is looking out through my eyes is the same as that which is looking out through your eyes. “One knowing, one seeing, one love.” I see you not as “other.” I feel you not as “other.” And with this, the heart explodes. Compassionate action arises from the infinite wisdom of emptiness; the intelligent aware spaciousness prior to you, prior to me, prior to experience, prior to all conceived division.
When the central I-thought is extinguished, one sees oneself as all of manifestation.
While I sometimes use the word "God" in my writings, I use it because it's one of the biggest words we have. But it's just not big enough. Even the concept of God gets annihilated at the doorstep of the Absolute.
The degree to which ones character is transformed by awakening to oneSelf is not up to the character that's been awakened. Fears may continue to arise for some time, the desire for continued “self” improvement may arise, or not. Addictions may quickly resolve, or may take some time. What is clear, is that the character is not “doing” anything.
Reality veils itself in apparent division. The veil is a conceptual overlay on undivided Reality. Set aside the veil of conceptual thought, and see the raw experience itself. Clearly see Reality as it is; undivided.
It's all experience showing up as something. There's not an experience of the chair. There’s only experience-chair. There’s not an experience of a tree. There’s only experience-tree. There’s not an experience of a thought. There’s only experience-thought. Notice throughout all of those experiences there's only one thing that's in common with the named experience. Experience is always showing up as something different, but it's always experience showing up.
You are large, and you hold the appearance of the world in you. Know that you contain everything and that everything of made from and by you. Be large.
You are the light of the Awareness. You are all that knows and all that is known. You are the illuminator and the illumined. There is nothing outside of you. Know yourself as knowing. Experience yourself as experiencing. There is only This, Here, Now. You are this, now; gloriously full, perfect and complete.
The Great Silence yields the Great Sound. The Great Stillness yields the Great Movement of our lives. Out of Divine Nothing comes Something. All is all equally Divine Awareness. In sound, you can know silence. In movement, you can know stillness.
Pointers are "subjective" and "relational" and therefore they cannot ever be the Absolute Truth. A pointer can be viewed as one angle of thought on a particular subject, taken from a particular position. The Absolute has no subjects, and there are no relations or positions. Therefore, everything written here is only a partial truth, conflicting truth, and not the Absolute Truth.
"Do I contradict myself?
Very well, then, I contradict myself;
(I am large—I contain multitudes.)"
Walt Whitman
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